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Old 05-22-2013, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by cyseymour View Post
Ninety minutes for a homemade video is a lot to ask, even a non-partisan one.

Never would have guessed you were a registered Democrat, lol. The two-party system probably does keep the country divided, our system is unlike most democracies were there are many different parties and parties are able to combine votes to form a coalition.

One thing I will say is that too often people belong to a political party and are simply told what to think by the leaders of that political party. At times that can be good, but other times it can be bad. For instance, Republicans not believing in global warming despite the overwhelming scientific evidence, or Democratic support for some failed goverment programs like school busing, ethanol, etc.
Well, even though it was a homemade video, it effectively shows the importance of the Constitution; as it was meant to be. And it was designed to wake people up, in a non partisan way.

When I asked the question "how conditioned are you?" it was because I understood that the media has people believing that anyone who is for "the Constitution" or "the second amendment" must be a "right wing extremist" or a "gun-nut". Since when did believing in your Constitution become "extreme"?! Since when did the second amendment defenders only side on the right? We, as Americans, should all be concerned for the loss of our rights equally. We should all be concerned, as Americans- regardless of political party, when politicians try to justify (usually in the name of "safety") taking freedoms away.

No one in their right mind believes in gun violence. But, people do understand that it's the individual holding the gun that is responsible for what he/she does with the gun. As was said in the other thread-and applies to any rights we have- individual responsibility goes hand in hand with freedom and liberty.

Sincerely, Clayton
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