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Old 02-01-2024, 12:22 PM
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BobbyStrawberry BobbyStrawberry is offline
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Originally Posted by campyfan39 View Post
I think the most likely outcome is that it was stolen for the materials by some low lifes, probably for drugs. We just had the catalytic converter stolen from our church van a few weeks ago. We have had baby Jesus stolen for our nativity scene before. I don't automatically assume these people hate christians (though there are alot in this world that do). I think espn and anyone else who automatically claim its racism without any evidence are playing politics and stoking the racial divide for personal gain.

If that indeed comes to light as the motive, then they should be charged with a hate crime and punished more severely. Personally, I'd be fine if they were put in a trash can and burned.

I also don't "have my head in the sand" as referenced by another poster but you would have to, to not have seen Smollet, Whitmer, Wallace etc. cases where they were either completely staged or racism was presumed, only to be discovered it had nothing to do with it or the entire thing was fake.

Most people get along just fine. My white sister is married to a black man. My nephews are interracial. My middle son plays football and many of his closest friends are of a different race than him. I had a long discussion just last night with my white niece about Jackie as they are reading his biography in school as a part of Black History Month. They started yesterday. She is 11 and is now excited to come and see my Robinson cards and display this weekend. My son will also be in town for the weekend from college

One reason Campy is my favorite player is because he was interracial and got crap from both sides. That on top of the accident and yet he didn't ever lose his positive attitude, his Christian faith etc. He didn't grow bitter, he just kept smiling and won over many hearts because of it.
Since you are indirectly responding to me, I am replying.

A few cherry-picked, isolated examples of staged hate crimes don't disprove the point that antiblack racism is deeply embedded into US history and culture, including the present. One needn't look further than the attempts of numerous state legislatures to ban the teaching of black history, or even worse, to try and revise it. (Teaching students that black slaves "learned valuable skills" while enslaved is one recent example.) The fact that black people can now play in the MLB, or sit anywhere they want to on a bus does not negate the rise in antiblack racism that we've seen over the last 10 to 15 years. It's almost as if something was going on from 2008 to 2016 that contributed to this, but I can't put my finger on what that was...
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