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Old 05-12-2022, 07:33 PM
chjh chjh is offline
Ch.ris Helfr.ich
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Florida
Posts: 34

I don't think the hobby/industry has really changed much over the years. What has changed is technology.

I was collecting as a kid in the 70's. Research had to be done at the library or buying price guides, shopping was done at card shows and the local card shop.

And trading was done with a handful of friends who also collected.

Collectors have always done research, shopping and trading. We've always collected cards because we liked them, or because they were rookies, or because they were rare. We have always tried to trade for, or buy, cards we felt were going to go up in value.

It's just that the internet has made all those things easier and more interesting. Instead of a few friends from school we have N54. Instead of the local card shop we have online auctions.

My prized card as a kid was a 1969 Jackson Rookie. I have kept that card for 40 years and protected it. Last year I sent it to PSA for grading just for fun. It came back as trimmed and they wouldn't grade it. I had no idea. But that trimming wasn't done by any of the people well known to be altering cards in recent years.

It was done by an 'old timer.' I acquired that card at a card shop around 1980.

So, there's always been people altering cards.

I think this is a great industry/hobby. If someone wants to invest in cards, great. If someone wants to collect raw, great. To each their own.

There have always been new people coming into the hobby with different interests. Some collect for fun, some for investment and some for nostalgia. Nothing new there.

Any changes to the hobby that bring in more people and allow for the sharing of info the better.

I also welcome grading, vault storage and more auctions. They are all optional services. If you don't like 'em, don't use 'em. Maybe those innovations don't last. But innovation and new ideas generally are positive.

I think the whole industry is moving in the right direction.

Last edited by chjh; 05-12-2022 at 07:49 PM.
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