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Old 07-23-2004, 09:25 PM
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Default What the internet should be (and card collecting...)

Posted By: ty_cobb

Being a long time collector, the most important avenue
of getting cards was the old Trader Speaks publication.
There were no scanners, few pictures, but pretty good
deals nonetheless. Similarily, I recall the early days
of the internet (for me 1998-2000) as capturing that
earlier magic from a collector's point of view. Great
deals, you had to watch the scans more closely for fakes!
but overall a time when availability was good, and the
traditional dealer could be circumvented.

To me, the internet has been somewhat of a disappointment in that in 2004;
Ebay should have had more competitors by now (and their
direction of offering reprints, fakes, and newspaper cutouts to no abatement is pathetic)

The pendulum has swung again to the dealers (lets regress
in time to 1996), I see collectors as stifled in their
selling interests as compared to corporate interests.

If you look at Old Cardboard's site, most of the individual collector site's were constructed several
years ago, why is there a lack of success for them??
(or why aren't more individual collector's putting up
websites with commercial content?) I see no new website
construction at all of individual collectors.

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