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Old 12-03-2018, 09:23 PM
Marchillo Marchillo is offline
St3phen M@rchillo
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 693

Nothing but positives from me. I have a huge bid percentage with them with zero retractions. When I was working on my 63 set I bought a ton from him. Why pay $3 plus $3.50 shipping one at a time from 10 different sellers when can buy for $4 even $5 for 10 cards with $3 total shipping. This is a huge factor with them and I’m sure many set builders agree. Also they are very accurate with their grades (IMO). One time my buddy bought a card that was misgrsded due to a pencil trace they missed. They simply refunded the purchase and told him to keep the card. If I buy from 10 different sellers I’m usually disappointed in a couple cards that have an issue that I wasn’t aware of. Usually I just eat it as it’s a hassle to return items under $20.
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