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Old 08-20-2016, 05:19 PM
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Nick Barnes
Join Date: May 2016
Location: South Mississippi
Posts: 757

Originally Posted by howard38 View Post
The sacrifice fly. Why should a fly ball that scores a run not count as an official AB when a run scoring ground ball does? Saves/blown saves are overrated as well because of how the deck is stacked against middle relievers.
this is a good point. sac bunt isn't an at bat, sac fly isn't, yet a ground ball that does the same thing is. IMO, it is bad for the hitter to give up an out for a base except when it is very late in the game. I think they should all count towards plate appearances and AB's myself. (In a similar fashion the idea that "you can't assume the double play" is also flawed, it's not like the games are played with blindfolds on, official scorers have lots of tools available to tell whether or not the double play could be assumed. )
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