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Old 04-08-2014, 06:50 PM
Acollector Acollector is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 63

Originally Posted by Eric72 View Post
Wow! Interesting reading. Preserved above for posterity's sake.

I understand that you're upset with the eBay seller; however, don't see how locking horns with other Net54 members accomplishes much.

It sounds like your experience with Probstein was simply awful. Sorry to hear that things turned out that way.

Best regards,

Thank you for the mature and courteous response. The locking horns was not my intention, but when someone says something really obnoxious and stupid, I will snap back. If they want to drink the Problemstein Kool-Aid, they can, but don't come on here telling me whatever this and that like an obnoxious 17-year-old that would get the beating of his life if he ever were man enough to have that attitude in front of someone's face. Keyboard tough guys have always been annoying to me.

Yes it was a complete disaster dealing with him. A friend of mine warned me about dealing with consigning in general. I wish I had listened to him. If I could go back and never deal with him I would. I really regret dealing with Probstein. I made the mistake of trusting the Kool-Aid drinkers postings about how great he is. He was far from great with me. After I cut him off, I started watching his feedback. He would get a negative every week or two and then they would disappear. I haven't taken a full accurate tally, but I think he has had something like 15 negative comments removed since November.
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