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Old 05-21-2013, 05:53 PM
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N.ate A.dams
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,447

Now, my guess is that he won't want me to post this --- but I just want people to be aware of a relatively new member who gave privately.

KCRfan1 sent a great group of cards, including a '52 Topps Card and a signed Andruw Jones card.

I'm a music teacher, and am consequentially rather creative --- so I can hype up just about anything. Remember those 25 cent stars (The blue, green, silver, gold, and red ones)? My first year of teaching, I didn't want to waste anything --- so after using all the stars on a certain sheet, i'd tear up the remaining outlining-stickers and tell the students they were sticker rings, and sticker bracelets. Again, this area is impoverished, so this was gold. They'd wear them proudly for 3 days sometimes. About the cards given by Lou, there are certain kids who have shown marked improvement over this year and past years, and have literally changed their futures, and I will absolutely make sure that these cards are described as though they are gold, and they will know exactly why they have earned these amazing cards over the course of a few years. I won't describe them as gold because of any type of monetary worth, but in what they represent. The kids will know that someone in a completely different state SENT these across the country because they care about their future. I'm sure that it will stay with them just like any certificate of achievement, or 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th place ribbon does as well.

KCRfan1/Lou S.: If I had an emoticon that applauded, it would go here. Thank you sir.

Many more thanks to come. The great thing is that most of you couldn't care less about being publicly thanked --- which in and of itself is awesome, and is why I want to publicly thank you!

Last edited by npa589; 05-21-2013 at 05:56 PM.
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