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Old 11-16-2007, 05:39 PM
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Default Barroid, er, Barry Bonds indicted

Posted By: john/z28jd

Theyre obviously spending alot of money and time to get someone who used steroids and it really has to make you wonder where their priorities are.They could go to any gym in america and find a steroid user but taking them down doesnt help the problem.Not only is it a huge waste,but this is going for a former user,its not like he was caught with it,so whats the final verdict going to do for all that time and money? They obviously have it out for him in particular otherwise other players who got caught would be in the same predicament.

Rafeal Betantcourt for instance was cheered like a hero and all you heard was how good he was for the Indians bullpen this year and im sure he will get a substancial raise this year thru arbitration. Yet he was caught for steroids and suspended....hmm never heard anything about that this year when they said how good he was and you wont because no one cares about him. Its amazing how everyone else just flies under the radar,you get caught and its no worse than charging the mound for a fight,you get a slap on the wrist and we forgive you. My favorite instance was at a Phillies game when fans were unmerciful towards Bonds the whole game and then Ryan "10 game suspension for steroids" Franklin comes out and they cheered him! I got up and said why arent we booing him,we actually have proof Franklin did something wrong,hes been suspended for steroids. No one cared tho which basically proves no one cares about steroids unless someone they dont like does it,then its a big deal

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