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Old 12-16-2017, 08:39 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,098
Default Getting a bit mad at card companies

Ok card companies, lets get this straight. Commons from your other sets are NOT inserts. They're just your unsaleable leftovers.

First one, Topps update series. Topps usually packs with a few cards in front, then 1-3 inserts, then a few more cards. One pack in the blaster had a series 2 common between two inserts, so packed as an insert.
A bit annoying, but weird enough to not be all that annoying.

Second one- Pannini chronicles I got today. Looked pretty cool, maybe worth a try. only 20 cards for $20, figured I'd take a chance.
What complete JUNK! One pack, no inserts at all. the others had a couple each, but all but two of them were just cards from their other base sets.
So as an "insert" in a product that's not priced like unsold leftovers I got 2 Donruss rated rookies of guys I've never heard of, a card from Absolute, and a couple others.
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