Thread: Monte Cudine
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Old 01-23-2016, 07:02 PM
rayj rayj is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 4
Default Monte Cudine

Hi Guys: Fairly new to the site. Think that I posted a reply back in 2015.
In any event, I do collect football/soccer cards & stickers quite extensively.
I have enjoyed looking at your postings and images.

All this Monte Cudine information and talk is very interesting, and is certainly of interest to me. I have some DiStefano disc's myself, and to be honest, there is some reluctance on my part, to past on the information that I have obtained on the Monte Cudines.

What I am about to tell you begs the asking of more questions and speculation into what the truth might be. When I first received my copy of "Dificiles Erandes De Antes ", the Argentina
book about their cards/stickers, I didn't understand why the 1940's Monte Cudine disc's were not included in the book. So, I e-mailed the co-authors
of the book, Rafael Bitran and Francisco Chiappini, asking why this was the case. Only the one gentleman, Raphael Bitran replied to my e-mail.

I was advised by Mr. Bitran that they did not include the Monte Cudine disc's
in their book because they were aware of laboratory analysis results of the cardboard of the Monte Cudine disc's that proved that the paperboard used was not earlier than the 1970's. Also, that the old images used for the players was taken from Monte Cudine advertisements in the magazine " El Grafico " during the 1940's and 1950's. He indicated to me, that he felt that there was no doubt in their mind, that these disc's were not made in the 1940's.

Your head may be reeling after reading this, as mine was. I still have my
DiStefano disc's and continue to enjoy them. I will never try to grade them, as they can not be authenticated or truly proven. I'm sure sellers will continue to refer to the disc's as 1944-1947. I would like to believe that this is true,but now, I just don't know.

best regards, ray.
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