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Old 06-30-2019, 08:48 PM
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Raymond 'Robbie' Culpepper
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Columbus, GA
Posts: 6,941

The true story behind the Eight-Ball missing on the back of Rodriguez's card is fascinating:

It seems Aurelio became quite the favorite among MLB / Topps- licensed photographers after sending the Angels' batboy to sit in for him five years before...a trick later repeated by Gary Pettis.

You would think such a deed would get him in trouble with all involved...instead it started his 'modest' legend. And his 'Bat-Boy' card became quite a find for both kids and adult collectors.

Many game attending fans were confused when the Bat-Boy, one Francisco Don, offered to sign the card even though the card had Rodriguez's name, not this 'wannabe'.

Well, I told you that story to help you appreciate why the Eight-Ball was deliberately not visible after the printing was done:

Mr. Rodriguez, a firm believer in all sorts of superstitions, was mortified upon seeing the card's proof showing the cartoon-in-question, positioning him 'behind the eight-ball'. and insisted that it be covered up.

Now, if just any Major Leaguer had asked for such a change, they would probably been shown the door. But, because Aurelio had such status at the time, the problem was resolved to his satisfaction.

Pretty Amazing, Huh?

It took a long time for this old guy to type out all of the details of this incredible story...and just as long to make it up.
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on others lives" - Jackie Robinson

“If you have a chance to make life better for others and fail to do so, you are wasting your time on this earth.”- Roberto Clemente

Last edited by clydepepper; 07-01-2019 at 07:34 PM. Reason: spelling correction. Thanks for the tip.
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