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Old 07-30-2014, 06:49 AM
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Mi_ch.ael Bo,rk_in
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 675

If you were the consigner here and they took the items down without so much as an email, how pissed would you be?
One last thing....

Remember, I am saying that Chris and I have a different opinion on to proper timing of this investigation and Chris and his company did their investigation and took down the rings.

How about blaming the consigner?

When I presented evidence to him about Donnie Edwards not being a player, and no such thing as practice squads in the 1970s, and the bad engraving he decided to keep the story in-tact and send the rings off to auction.

I work with Ken Goldin at Goldin Auctions and have given Ken football memorabilia to put in his auction.

The last thing I want to do is embarrass Ken, or have an item returned to Ken.

I don't want to get one over on the auction house or the winning bidder. I want Ken to want my business and consider me a good partner in future auctions.

So I tell Ken, ahead of time about any claims or issues. I then rely on Ken and his experience to either:

1) not accept the item
2) write up a description explaining any issues
3) guide me how to be honest and handle that situation.

I was able to sell in Ken's auction that National Champions ring from the person who claimed to be on the team but wasn't.

Ken and his crew wrote up an honest description and the ring sold.

I believe Heritage will rewrite the description and put the rings in a future auction and that's fine. Everyone except the consigner, who should have at least warned Heritage that there could be issues, will be better off - including the eventual winning bidders of the two rings.
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