Thread: 1/2 GRADES
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Old 02-03-2008, 11:09 AM
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Default 1/2 GRADES

Posted By: JimH

I'm glad I finally got some discussion going. I ask that you stick to basics. It is understood that PSA are not collectors or sellers. That, as far as I know, is not open to public review. PSA controls price (SMR). The prices in the SMR do not reflect what the cards actually sold for (check for the small print in just about any set listing). A card that is raw goes to PSA for grading and PSA is asking the person submitting the card for a value for that card. Then a card is encased by PSA and it has a specific value assigned. Now they take that card which they gave a specific value reference to and are willing to change it at an additional cost to the consumer. It very well may cost the consumer more because that card may fall into a more costly grading service determined by PSA. PSA keeps the cost of submission even if the card does not get a higher grade. Additionally, they have to grade the card through a holder. I ask you, does this pass the smell test? It seems to me that they should offer a reduced cost for cards to be resubmitted as a service to people who are truly collectors and not merchants.

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