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Old 01-14-2018, 09:19 PM
chlankf chlankf is offline
Craig L.
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: Des Moines metra area
Posts: 440
Default Best - Berra & Dials, Worst - Konerko

Met Yogi Berra and Lou Dials at a show in St. Louis in early 90s. I had recently seen Berra on a Pringles commercial, it was hilarious, so I brought an empty can for him to sign. He got a kick out of it saying he had never signed one before. I had heard stories of him playing harmonica and that he carried one with him. I asked about it, he smiled, stood up and addressed the crowd to be quiet and began playing. The promoter quickly came over, upset to stop him, and Yogi brushed him off and spent 5 minutes having fun. It was a totally incredible experience.

At the same show, Lou Dials had a table set up with a few negro league pics, pics of himself and a few books. All day Friday people just walked past him paying no mind and oblivious to who he was. Saturday noonish, same situation as Friday. Seeing this I walked over to meet him. He offered me a seat and I joined him for a conversation. I spent the remainder of the day with him. We talked about everything; baseball, girls, what America was like growing up - both our generations sides, college - his opinions and experience & degree. Memories I will never forget. I never asked him for an auto, can't believe I forgot. My dad was not happy I abandoned him at the table but understood. Sunday Lou comes walking to my table with a signed ball for me and thanked me for the company. My father and Lou chatted for a while and went back to his table.

'97 Triple A All-Star game in Des Moines, I was excited to see Paul Konerko play. I had seen him in Az, college for both at the time. During field time for players, he was exorcizing with other players. As he was walking off, many players stopped to sign for people. Paul just ignored fans and tried to get a few of the players to follow him. For 5-6 minutes he stood there rudely saying he wouldn't sign. Witnessing this I became upset. When he walked past, my smart ass youthful mouth shot off. I called him an a-hole and stated I always wanted his auto but was a broke college student and had to watch him play from A mountain. He turned, looked at me and walked over asking if I went to ASU. I acknowledged I did. He grabbed the ball I was holding and the pen, signed my ball, smiled and patted me on the shoulder and walk past everyone then off the field. All I could think was what a prick, however, I clutched my treasure and walked away with a story and a smile.
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