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Old 01-07-2022, 03:06 PM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
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Default PEDs

Hi Tony- First off, I appreciate your measured and thoughtful response. We
don't completely agree, but that's okay. Your reply was as agenda-free as
any in this thread, it was refreshing...

I think it's clear that HOF inclusion/exclusion is a volatile topic among fans.
The PED in/out debate is especially controversial as seen in the replies. I
have a suggestion about these PED players, a test if you will, regarding their
suitability for HOF. All the test requires is 30 seconds of time and the
honesty of the participant- not toward me or net54, but to the test taker

Here's the test. Imagine the names of the PED players who you feel have a
decent chance of election to the Hall. Rodriguez? Bonds? McGwire? Then,
scroll their names in your mind's eye and ask yourself this question- what is
the FIRST thing you think of when you consider each name? If the honest(!)
answer includes words like "PED", "steroids", "scandal", etc, then I'd
strongly suggest he does NOT belong.

Given the nature of this thread, I'm sure some naysayers will try to twist
it. They'll say it's not fair, or that they wish we could apply it to players who
are already in the Hall and not about to come out, et cetera. But for the
players who aren't in and are, in some form or fashion, knocking on the door
it's a heck of an exercise. Trent King
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