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Old 09-29-2017, 01:20 PM
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Kyle May
Join Date: Jul 2016
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So so SOOOOO many angles to this. Here is my breakdown and viewpoint(s).

1) First and foremost, we need to look at the person who started this movement - Colin Kaepernick. Yes, the racial minority person who has made millions in this country, and was raised by white people, had this to say about why he knelt for the Anthem: "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color." Again, a black person/person of color, who has made millions in this country and was raised by white people, said that. Additionally, he blatantly stated that he is protesting the flag, which represents this country, the freedoms of this country, and the ultimate sacrifice given to protect those freedoms.

2) Kaepernick's unemployment is due to his play on the field not equaling out the image risk that comes with hiring him. I don't know what's so hard to understand about that. He chose to exercise his 1st Amendment rights to free speech and the right to protest at work. There are consequences that come with one's actions, and the consequences thus far have not violated The Constitution.

3) Nothing changed in this country to further any supposed "racial oppression" in the past year, so why are all of these players just NOW protesting the supposed social injustices? Why weren't they with Kaepernick last year?

4) As stated above, Kaepernick was protesting the Flag, and therefore protesting the Anthem & this country as a whole. The players that state they are with Kaepernick, that this has nothing to do with the Flag/the Anthem/the military, they're full of $#%!. That's EXACTLY what this has to do with. If you don't think this country provides each individual with the same freedoms/rights, then yes, you would be protesting the country.

5) I don't care if you want to protest, that's your Constitutional right. Just don't do it at your job that I and many others are paying the salary for. Now, with that being said, I am one that doesn't agree with their agenda/reason for protesting, but that's a topic for a different forum.

6) Taya Kyle (Chris Kyle's - American Sniper - wife) challenged the NFL to affect real change, instead of essentially being a bunch of lazy, cowardly "social justice warriors." Here is here letter to the NFL: She's dead-freaking-on. If you actually think there's social injustice/racial oppression in this country, then do something about it. Don't take a knee like a pansie; get out and put your money where your mouth is. Hold community events, work with the communities, families, and law enforcement to come together and build better relations. Taking a knee does NOTHING but drive a wedge into this country and create a bigger divide.

7) The league-wide protests took place after Trump called them all out. So now are you protesting racial oppression/social injustice, or are you protesting the President? By the way, he wasn't wrong about the product on the field suffering because of the penalties. Football is borderline unwatchable with all of the laundry consistently littering the field.

8) Don't ridicule me for being PO'd about this and making my voice heard. I have the same rights and freedoms as the next person, and it's hypocritical to say otherwise.

9) This "movement" loses even more credibility with me when the players stand for UK's Anthem (where the Slave Trade started) and never mention the Middle East/Asia, where there's the highest percentage of slaves. As well, don't complain about "racism" then hold up your fist to symbolize "black power." That furthers the racial issues in this country, as it symbolizes the empowerment of a skin color. SKIN COLOR DOES. NOT. MATTER.

10) There is some fault on both sides. The PA fire chief that referred the those who are kneeling as the n-word, etc. No place for that.

11) This whole "unity" thing is crap. You're getting hit where it hurts - your wallet - and now you're quickly working on damage control so you can stay rich and employed in this country that supposedly "oppresses" you. Just like the Browns RB Isaiah Crowell quietly giving money to the police union(s) after posting a picture of a police officer being decapitated. It's hollow. Stand with respect for the Anthem, put your tails between your legs, and go out and actually do something about your issues with this country.

12) The NFL and NBA have lost me, and quite possibly forever. Between the kneeling & what I view as a protest against this country, Curry/LeBron attacking Trump and those who voted for him, and Gregg Popovich saying that white people need to be made uncomfortable, I have better ways to allocate my money and time. I called DirecTV and had my FREE year long NFL Sunday Ticket subscription cancelled. I've seen a couple smarta$$ comments telling people who are boycotting the NFL to enjoy the LPGA tour on Sundays. Actually, I will enjoy watching baseball, golf, tennis, and NASCAR more, so thank you.

I love this country and everything it stands (oh there's that word again - stand) for. Is it perfect? Hell no, but it's the greatest damn country in this world and I take exception to anyone that wants to attack it in any way, shape, or form. Recognize the freedoms and opportunities that our Founding Fathers and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice have afforded us. Use those to constructively build a better society without destroying the framework. We have gotten so far away from being decent human beings and loving thy neighbor. God Bless you, yours, and America.

That's the best I have without being TOO political. Sorry Leon if this post breaks any rules.
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Last edited by KMayUSA6060; 09-29-2017 at 01:28 PM.