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Old 04-04-2018, 12:16 AM
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Joe W.
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: SoCal
Posts: 2,023
Default Hostess Master Checklist

I've searched through the net54 archives and wasn't able to find anything. Can someone share a link to a master Hostess checklist if one exists? In particular, I'm looking for information on panel variations. It seems that the L-shaped panels were printed on Cup Cakes boxes but I'm wondering if there was an L-shaped panel variation for every panel in every year or only certain panels in certain years? For example, if there was a L-panel, I have always found the straight panel equivalent but there are some straight panels I have never seen an L-panel for.

Also, it is well documented that the individually wrapped Twinkies had black bars/bold print on the back but I have seen next to nothing documented regarding the individually wrapped Suzy-Q cards which also have a black bar on back but came on a much larger card stock. As an identifier, the black bar is much further away from the player's name and stats than on a Twinkies card. Does a checklist of the Suzy-Qs exist? The only one I have as an example is a 1977 Rick Monday.

Last edited by 4reals; 04-04-2018 at 12:52 AM.
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