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Old 08-06-2019, 08:14 AM
chalupacollects chalupacollects is online now
T!.m H.
Tim Hu,nt
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 1,362

I think the key here will be more of dating the ball and then worrying about the signature. From what I can find the Goldsmith Company purchased MacGregor around 1936. Around 1944 both companies name appeared on balls. The MG logo on the bottom of ball came into play in 1945 and on the top of the ball both company names were represented.. However in 1952 the Goldsmith was dropped and the MacGregor with the registered symbol came into play... which is what is on this ball..

Little League was founded in 1939 and though Macgregor existed then was known as Crawford, MacGregor & Canby Co before Goldsmith purchased them.

So if the ball is from the 40's there is a short window of two or so years when the ball could have been signed by Ruth...which I can't opine on...

What worried me is the MacGregor logo on top though which does show a 1952 intro....

End of day needs more research...
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