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Old 04-11-2013, 08:44 AM
RobertGT RobertGT is offline
R0bert Ge,ntieu
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Eastern Pennsylvania
Posts: 331

I'm not so sure an unsuspecting bidder hasn't been scammed out of big bucks in this auction.

This auction wasn't yanked by eBay, rather it was shut down by the seller with the explanation that "the item is no longer available." That could mean two things:

1) The sellers has a conscience and removed the auction after being informed it was a fake or:

2) Seller has a deal to sell the card off eBay. In my experience, when auctions are shut down early, it's usually because the seller has struck a deal with a bidder to do the deal off ebay and avoid ebay's horrendous fees for a high-dollar item. This would mean the worst case scenario for the bidder because he will not be protected by a misrepresentation claim.

I would be curious to hear what the seller's explanation is for why this card was yanked from ebay. Also, should watch him to see if the card pops up on his site in a month or two.
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