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Old 03-09-2013, 03:35 PM
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Tanman7baseball Tanman7baseball is offline
Colby Neal-Tan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Mission Viejo, CA
Posts: 182
Default Jackie Robinson Autograph - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP ME!!!! Fake or Real. Want Refund

Hello everyone,

My question to you guys is to explain in detail of how this Jackie Robinson is FAKE. I am very certain it is fake after doing research. Unfortunately, I did this research after I bought it... Yes I know I was an idiot for buying it. Lastly, no it did not have a COA...

I am posting this, because I want my hard earned money back. I need someone to help me explain its inauthenticity, so I can justify returning this to the seller tomorrow. I am not going to spend $150 to get it denied by PSA... Also, I would like to print out your responses to show its not just me that believes this is a FAKE Jackie Robinson, but the opinion of many.

I purchased the Jackie Robinson autographed magazine last year out of IGNORANCE, TRUST, AND IMPULSE. Another fun fact, I found out it is not even Jackie depicted in the "run-down" on the cover. The man I bought this had multiple stories of ballplayers he met throughout his lifetime. He didn't care to send things into PSA or JSA, because it was expensive. Which usually I would just walk away, but his stories were so elaborate and believable that I stayed. I don't normally trust people, but the stories he told me about we're amazing. I love baseball and just listened with utter enjoyment. He is an autograph dealer from Topeka, Kansas. I bought this at a local card show in Oklahoma City. He said he obtained this piece off a dealer (apparently a wealthy accountant from Arizona).

Now please everyone who has knowledge on Jackie Robinson signatures can you please post everything you know about how this is not real.
I mean maybe I am wrong and it is real... Just someone can you please help!

Thank you all,

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