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Old 02-10-2013, 04:49 AM
jimjim jimjim is offline
Matthew Wy.llie
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 756

Originally Posted by dgo71 View Post
Did you hear Jeter say "I'm better than you?" Or is that just the extent of your hyperbole after you read the quotes of a security guard, written from the angle of a journalist who is out to get his article noticed? I'm willing to bet you've not had enough encounters with Jeter to put words in his mouth.

One thing you guys fail to realize is that a large portion of autograph hounds can be extremely rude, pushy and downright nasty to deal with. They invade the athletes' private lives and stalk them just to get a signature, yet these same people won't pay for a GA ticket to try and get the same guy at a ballgame. Interrupting them at dinner, following them through the streets, calling hotels to find where they're's insane. I don't care how nice an athlete is, that crap would get old. The dealers are even worse, especially in New York where Jeter has played half his games over 20 years. The dealers do all those things AND will push and shove because if they don't get a graph that day, they can't pay their bills. Then when a guy doesn't sign, they yell at the athete or curse them out. Yeah, that really makes a guy want to sign in the future. The Babe Ruth comparison is really apples and oranges because autograph collectors in Babe Ruth's day weren't pushing kids out of the way to get 20 of the same 11x14 signed. So if after dealing with all this and much more over the course of his career, if Jeter wants to roll by the line of autograph seekers and wave, I think he's earned that right. And it's not even like he NEVER signs. The one guy in the article got him 30 times!


I used to live in Philly, and I would go to the stadiums and wait outside once in a while when I had some time on my hands. Those dealers were brutal. And then I decided to try the hotel once or twice. They were even worse there. Dealers from NYC would come down and literally act like animals. Never seen anything like it before. And the autographs the players gave out were just c**p. I remember going for Wayne Gretzky at the hotel when he was coach for the Coyotes. I was hanging inside the hotel just to relax, and saw him chilling in a chair. I decided to not bug him and wait for him to run the line outside, as I was very confident he would stop (bad decision). He comes outside, I run out and get in line, and he does stop and sign but it was a madhouse, and the autographs he gave out were horrible. I don't even have that photo framed, it is that bad. Not sure how the dealers can even sell that stuff. Plus he was calling out the double dippers, and they were denying and arguing with him. I decided then and there that it wasn't worth it, and I was completely embarrassed to be associated with that dealer scum. Haven't gone back to a hotel since. Plus I moved down South and things are much more civilized here. Of course there are plenty of dealers, but at least they have manners!

Last edited by jimjim; 02-10-2013 at 04:51 AM.
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