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Old 06-23-2006, 05:41 PM
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Default Rare Cards of Sudanese Players

Posted By: Gilbert Maines

I realize that I indicated that I would not revisit this subject, however, it appears to me that from your response to my input, I must be alone in the belief that hatred due to the characteristics of specific individuals is not only justified, it is warranted. As some of you indicated, my point of view must not be well thought out. It is my contention that your point of view is not well thought out.

Please feel free to be so enraged right now that you are no longer capable of thought nor reading, and begin drafting your tirade of rebuttal without hearing me out (again).

I fully know that the good book says that one should love his enemies, and turn the other cheek. Well, I have found that when dealing with bullies an approach alternate to hoping that they will soon grow tired of hitting you, is to let them know that they have been in a battle (you will not always win, but others will be easaier prey for the bullies).

And persons with the following characteristics I currently hate, solely based on those characteristics, and I plan to continue to hate, are summarized below. This list is no where near complete.

Bullies who view the US Postal System as an excellent vehicle to distribute loose Anthrax.
Bullies who are proven pedophiles.
The same applies to drug dealers, prostitutes and others whose primary function in our society is harmful to the society's general well being.
Bullies who use our airplanes to crash into our buildings.
This list is long (and it does not differ from that of many of you who pretend to not hate) .

Id like to tell you more about myself, how I raised my children and address other curiousities which were voiced, but I really do not think that anyone cares. If you do, please e-mail me.

Chad was correct in his assessment. My thoughts were primarily focused on the legality and the continual erosion of my rights. But I also do not contend that I am hate free.

I appreciate those who already have thought this thru and have reached whatever conclusion. I always applaud opposing thought out opinions.

Its Only Gil

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