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Old 07-11-2012, 06:55 PM
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Mi_ch.ael Bo,rk_in
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 675

I think that we need to hold the auction houses more responsible. We are spending a lot of money to win these auctions and I feel the auction houses should make every effort to make sure the signature, or any item they sell is authentic. Why should auction houses take a questionable item and put it in an auction? The better auction houses like Robert Edward and Lelands have a solid reputation and make every effort to make sure the items in their auctions are sound. It's their reputation at stake and auction houses that give it a "once over" need to make a better effort. Yes, I realize JSA and PSA make errors, but when in doubt, the auction houses should pay for a full JSA or PSA certificate. They will in all probability make the small cost back in greater prices realized.
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