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Old 08-27-2015, 04:49 PM
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glchen glchen is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
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1. Try to stay focused on what you really like to collect. I've changed my collecting interests multiple times, selling off things that no longer hold my interest anymore. When I sell these off, they are usually at a loss.

2. Collect cards with the eye appeal that you can live with for a long time. I've picked up cards that looked horribly because they were very tough cards that filled a spot on my checklist. Unfortunately, after a period of time, I just could not stand looking at them anymore and sold them, again, usually for a loss. It's better to be patient and buy cards you really like than to be impatient. You'll never have enough money to buy all of the cards you like anyway, so just purchase cards that you really want to keep in your collection long term.

3. However, it is a card that is very rare, which you really want w/ nice eye appeal, don't haggle or be a scrooge too much, or you will not get that card and you'll regret it. Sometimes overpaying a bit is worth it in the long term for these types of cards.

4. When seeing listings on ebay, if it's too good to be true, caveat emptor. There are always treasures to be found, but you just need to be careful.
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