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Old 01-08-2009, 05:29 PM
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Default why do YOU collect sports memorabilia?

Posted By: keith

I collected cards when I was younger, but these days strictly collect sports memoribilia, with an emphasis on 19th century and early 20th century football items, and Philadelphia Eagles items of all eras. I collect memoribilia because there are so many unique and diverse items, and you are more likely to be able to unearth a hiddern memoribilia treasure than a baseball card. I mean the average joe would know that a Ty Cobb or Cy Young tobacco card has value, where as a federal league pennant or Fred A Kail statue often doesn't register with the non-sport collecting world. Also to me an old melon style football or an old pennant is a much more tactile and interesting to display than a card. To each his own though obviously.

Here are 2 of my Federal League items (in response to the federal league post above)

[linked image]
[linked image]

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