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Old 01-19-2012, 05:49 AM
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rainier2004 rainier2004 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bilko G View Post
nah, there still are plenty of packs that can be bought for a buck or two. Kids just don't care about cards, nothing exciting about them for kids nowadays with the internet, i-pads, video games, portable video games, smart phones.
Ill go with a disagree here. I started collecting in 1984, NES was introduced in 1986 and I had time for both. Eventually the video games won, but it sounds like most of us put the cards down around 14-16 for a few years anyway.
Packs should be 50 cents each with 15-20 cards in them and MLB should subsidize the cost if necessary. The future to ANYTHING is children, not middle-aged men. Cards introduce the sport unlike anything else. The other big thing is 9pm playoff games? They need to be earlier so kids can watch and see them end!
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