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Old 05-03-2011, 08:02 AM
danmckee danmckee is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,487
Default Auction Software user question REA

Hey guys, I have an issue with the way the software REA uses functions and I would like all of your opinions since most of you are internet savy and navigate web pages often.

I have about 6 pages full of "watching" items in REA. When I am on say, page 4, I open an item, then hit the back button, the softaware takes me back to page 1.

No matter what watching page I view an item from, when I hit the back button, it takes me to page 1. I then have to reclick on to the page I was on to get back to where I drilled down from.

As a software developer, I feel the back button should always take you back to the exact spot you drilled down from. The owner of the software disagrees with me so I would like your opinions as end users.

Many Thanks for your time and input.

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