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Old 01-24-2013, 08:09 PM
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brob28 brob28 is offline
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Looks like nobody directly answered your questions. I'll leave the legal advice to others and stick to simple "do the right thing" answers.

Questions for the board:
A) Is it morally ok for me to sell the packs on the list? Seriously? No its not ok to sell something you have reason to believe is altered.

B) How would you feel if you saw a pack you owned on the list? Umm, Bad

C) Should I disclose to my friend that he could have a fake pack even though I told Steve Hart I would not share the list with anyone No, you yourself said Steve is honorable, so treat him honorably and do as you promised

D) Should I contact the consigner of the packs I sold and let him know he may have passed on fake packs Not now, you yourself said there are still questions on many packs, wait for the FBI investigation to finish and deal with any bogus packs you consigned at that time

E) I have the entire list of possible bad packs. Should I post them so people can view it or keep it a secret because I told Steve Hart I would not share the list with anyone.* I refer to the last half of your question "C" live up to your word with Steve. BTW I really hope you have not caused Steve a world of hurt by going public that he gave you this list while there is an ongoing FBI investigation

F) Should I at least expose the pack I see on ebay right now?* Even though it may be real? No, as you just said it may be real
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