Thread: Is it worth it?
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Old 07-26-2018, 11:10 AM
mr2686 mr2686 is offline
Mike Rich@rds0n
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Lordstan View Post
IMO, The values in signings today fall into one of 2 categories.
1) It's worth paying it if you have a specific item that is important to you.
As an example, I paid $325 for Aaron to sign this program a few years ago to complete it. Personally, I think $325 is crazy for Aaron, but it was the last one I needed on it.

2)The second scenario I see is for people who need some something signed to complete a set(like cards). Sure, you might find one much cheaper on ebay, but the less common the set the less likely you'll find it. Same applies for say a ball with a specific inscription that is off the beaten path.

If it's not something you are likely to find elsewhere, It might be worth spending the money so you can enjoy it.
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