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Old 03-16-2021, 03:37 PM
Gr8Beldini Gr8Beldini is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 457
Default SGC vs. Beckett... Feedback Requested

Hello. Got a very prominent card currently sitting in a GAI 7 holder (unfortunately). I plan on flipping it into a different company's holder and am not too sure I want to deal with PSA and the 6-8 month waiting period. So... It would help me very much to get some feedback. Probably will submit to either SGC or Beckett. Can you guys give me your opinions? Why would I want to pick one over the other &/or why would I want to avoid one over the other. I like the Beckett holder better but don't recall seeing too many prominent cards in Beckett holders. I've seen plenty in SGC holders. Thoughts would be appreciated.
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