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Old 05-10-2012, 12:13 PM
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zljones zljones is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Illinois
Posts: 659
Default Is anyone else alone in collecting cards?

I am wondering if I am one of the few. I have a good amount of friends remaining in my life. I have a finacee who has a son of 13. I have a brother and other various family members. I also work at one of the largest corporations in the country and work in an office with almost 100 people in it; however, dispite having all these people in my life not a single person collects cards or gives a crap about them. I have tried to talk to my friends, my brother, and my future 13 year son in law about cards, trying to find a spark in someone, but nobody cares at all.
I am wondering if I am the only one that does not know a single other person that has any interest in cards. I post on Net54 so often because I literally have nobody to talk to about cards. I am tired of trying to talk about it with people that do not care, like talking to a brick wall. Am I one of the only ones in this situation? If you have people to talk it with, how many people do you know that collect or used to collect that will listen to your cardboard loving chatter?
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