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Old 11-06-2013, 07:17 PM
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Pete Costanzo
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Southeastern PA
Posts: 664
Default Future

Just to add a few other points relating to how card shops have shrunk and people in the future interested in the hobby shrinking I'd say this.... everything in life changes and evolves all the time. Like the stock exchanges not having floor brokers anymore with things being done electronically, we don't have card shops but have auction houses and the internet to quickly interact and see/buy/sell cards. There are 87 million "Millenials" coming out of college in 2-3 yrs, bigger than the baby boomer population, that will pump money into various areas of the economy. I can't imagine with the increasing prices in the vintage card market, and baseball at least in the area I live still quite popular, people in the future not being interested and driving this market for many years to come. We all have a right to our opinions, but I think its like saying the stock market won't continue to grow in the future which is silly. Just enjoy the ride, evolution, and look forward to the future.
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