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Old 10-22-2010, 08:07 AM
JustCollect JustCollect is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 7


Thanks for the questions.

Yes, you pay the per-card fee regardless of whether the card sells. This fee is intended to cover our costs in attempting to sell the card (listing the card, incorporating it into our standard weekly newsletters, creating a special email marketing newsletter to our list of 35,000 collectors around it, and negotiating with buyers on your behalf).

If the card sells, you receive the price you specified. It is our goal to sell the card for more than your specified price to both cover the eBay/PayPal fees as well as earn a profit for our firm. If the card does not sell, we will earn nothing beyond the per-card fee and will return the card to the consignor at our expense.

In this program, we have moved the risk of selling the card from the consignor (Will it auction for too little?) to our firm (Will we successfully sell the card or work on it for 3+ months and earn nothing?). We are proud to have the confidence in our firm and its marketing approach and client list to offer this service and assume this risk.

For example, let’s assume you have a card that you would be happy selling for $2,000 but you believe may auction for as low as $1,500. If the card sells on eBay for $2,000, the eBay/PayPal fees will be about $125. Therefore, we would list this card around $2,500 in the hopes of selling it for about $2,350 and earning income of $225 after eBay/PayPal fees.

$2,500 Card’s List Price on eBay
$2,000 Price Specified by Consignor

$ 2,350 Card’s Sale Price on eBay
$ -2,000 Price Specified by Consignor
$ 350 Subtotal
$ -125 eBay/PayPal fees
$ 225 Total Revenue eBay/PayPal fees

On the other hand, if the card does not sell, we would return it to the consignor at our expense and not earn the revenue.

As I posted earlier, we always welcome the opportunity to sell cards at no reserve auction. However, when a consignor prefers to sell his cards with a guaranteed price and no risk, this unique program allows him to do exactly that.


Scott Greenwald
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