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Old 04-23-2016, 02:34 PM
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S Gross
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Savannah, GA
Posts: 2,052

There is a short story of the event:

Baer, Arthur. "The Crambury Tiger." Collier's (1942).

Yes, it was do to Cobb climbing into NY stands. The entire Detroit team backed him with a letter to Ban Johnson.

I have it in my The Fireside Book of Baseball. It is a GREAT tongue in check story by one of the subs that didn't play (i.e. "Ty climbs into the stands and hands him a dry shave with his knuckles.")

I may be violated copyright, but here is "Detroit's" box score:


The final score was Athletics 24, Detroit 2.

Sugden actually played 13 years in major around the turn of century, BUT, "is so old he could sleep in swamp without mosquito netting."

McHarg is Billy McHarg (Graham spelled somewhat backward). He was a back room newspaper decision boxer from Philly. Here are his stats:

As you can see even though he had 74 fights, ONLY 9 were considered legitimate. He was also a slug mobster in the 1919 WS.

L'n'h's'r is either Loopenhouser or Lagenhassinger, neither in Baseball Encyclopedia. Probably a joke.

GREAT read if you can find it.

Fun stuff, Scott
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