Thread: Aaron Judge
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Old 08-03-2017, 05:20 PM
dclarkraiders dclarkraiders is offline
Duane Clark
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: USA
Posts: 260

As an O's fan, I dislike the Yankees as much as anyone. Having said that, what I have seen of Judge so far is all good. He is humble, well spoken and appears to be a great person. It is hard to root against him. Also, I am the guy who would get in arguments with other Oriole Fans at Camden Yards regarding Derek Jeter. I would defend Jeter and could never understand why the O's fans would boo him. He was the Yankees version of Cal Jr. How can you boo a guy that shows up every day, gives 100% and is a great person off the field as well. Sometimes you have to look beyond the uniform and show some respect to what some players bring to the table, on and off the field.

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