Thread: REA is up
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Old 04-06-2006, 12:59 PM
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Default REA is up

Posted By: Cat

The pages seem to be coming in pieces. When I first got into the site last night, at about 8:50 PST, only the titles were viewable. That was actually pretty exciting to see something like: "Cap Anson N172 Portrait". By 9:15, most had pictures of the fronts. Early this morning, I saw more and more pictures of backs of cards. I assume the full descriptions will come soon. I like reading the "expected ending price". Even though most cards seem to end at 150% to 250% of that number, it gives a person a feel for what it is going to take to have a shot at acquiring the card. I'm going to log off now and call my mortgage lender about a second on the house. [insert Jon Lovitz voice here] A HOME IMPROVGEMENT LOAN...yeah that's the ticket.

I buy high and sell therefore I classify myself as "a collector."

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