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Old 08-27-2012, 02:52 PM
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zljones zljones is offline
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Originally Posted by bbcard1 View Post
Zach, I have lost cards a few times through theft and ignorance.

I mean this to be a loving, not a cocky statement and I don't know you, and please excuse me if this sounds the least bit preachy.

I think you should be spending time on your resume, not selling your collection. God gave you talents and has a purpose for you, and it's probably not to be working for a guy who would cut your pay so indescriminately without understanding what it means to your's not like your salary is that may be that someone who it making 60K could take a cut to 50K without it completely altering their lifestyle, but where your salary is at $8K is a huge hit.

At least check things out. Could be there's something better out there for you. I know times are kind of tough (I own a business with 14 people) but you don't need 10,000 jobs, you just need one.

Finding a better job is hard work, but it's very lucrative if it works out.
I got my resume all up to date I have been dropping apps like crazy. The thing is the last time I looked for a new job it took 9 months; therefore, I am predicting around the same amount of time. Unfortunatly the bills I have to pay I simply can't afford at all, I would have to sacrifice food and gas and still may not have enough, that is why I need to sell in a hurry so I can pay those, and pay them off. In this economy it can take months for me to get a new job. I figure if I sell now and pay off some of these debts, then I can beat alot of interest . The more interest I beat, the less cards I have to sell in the long run. I am thinking ahead and being prepared for a long time before I find a new job. If I sell this big bunch now I can save myself on interest and save more treasures in the near future. The more interest that accrues, the more cards I need to sell down the road. I am trying to hold onto my rarities and and my favorites. I hope I can hold onto that Bresnahan Mouth open you sold me

Last edited by zljones; 08-27-2012 at 02:54 PM.
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