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Old 02-18-2016, 10:40 AM
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bn2cardz bn2cardz is offline
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I find that when something is listed retail that I let it sit there and keep saying to myself "when I have the money saved up I will buy it."

Then when I have the money I find something in an auction I put the money towards saying to myself "well the retail item hasn't sold yet, it may still be there when I have the money again. Whereas this auction item has a bid on it so it won't be available if I wait around for it."

I think that is the issue. Auction items have a feeling of "Now or Never". And retail has a feeling of "It will still be sitting there when I am ready".
Neither of these are always true. Flippers buy auction items and put them back up for auction and Retail items can sell at any minute, even quicker than an auction item can since there isn't a forced date of sale. But the feeling that it is true is still always there.
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