Thread: Aaron Judge
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Old 08-16-2017, 04:02 PM
ls7plus ls7plus is offline
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
Up to 31, he whiffed in his first at bat just now.

From the article.
Judge has drawn 25 walks and hit the five home runs since the break, but much of the rest has been hard to watch. The player who seemed to always put the barrel of the bat on the ball has 46 strikeouts in 97 at-bats since the break and at least one in 30 straight games (51 strikeouts in 104 at-bats in that span).

It's painful to watch the rapid decline of a seemingly very nice young man, and one with some clear talent although his anointment as the next superstar was premature. [B]Obviously if he is striking out 50 percent of the pop [/B]time he is not long for the majors even if he does have the occasional pop in his bat. Hopefully he can stop the bleeding and figure out what's going wrong. It's a reminder of how damn difficult it is to hit a baseball and how small the difference between stardom and nothing really is.
If I was the GM of the Texas Rangers, Joey Gallo would still be in the minors, and remain there until he learns to hit the ball. He takes this big, long cut at mid-nineties fastballs at the letters as if he really believes something positive for his team can come of that.

Aghast at this trend,


Last edited by ls7plus; 08-16-2017 at 04:04 PM.
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