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Old 02-24-2017, 06:21 AM
PhillipAbbott79 PhillipAbbott79 is offline
Phillip Abbott
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 414

Originally Posted by mechanicalman View Post
I whole-heartedly believe in the concept of "taking a stand" against companies with sketchy reputations, but proclaiming that you won't bid in their auctions isn't the way to do it. If even 100 dudes on the board "agreed" not to bid with a certain company, then game theory suggests another 100 dudes now have more incentive to "cheat" and bid because of the perceived opportunity for better prices. The net effect could be positive for the AH.

By contrast, I've decided that there are a few AH's to whom I will never consign material because of their reputation. Now if a 100 dudes started a movement to not consign to a certain company, that could actually have a material impact. Demand will always be there, but supply can be cut off.
I will never consign to PWCC or Probestein. The reality of the matter is, that they do not reach extra bidders. Their price fluctuations(they get low prices, average and higher prices) are all depending on who is bidding on a certain card at a certain time.

For instance. They had a card go to auction....a nice one. A big multi thousand dollar Cobb. Well centered. 40 days later the same Cobb sold again. Exact same Cobb, same serial number and everything. It went for only slightly more dollars and not one bidder on the second go around was the same person as the first time.

I have seen nice looking tough backs, like American Beauty 350 and 460 cards sell for 40 dollars and less even, I have seen readily available high grade hall of famers go for Buzz Aldrin prices....but what I have never seen is someone bid on a card in their auction past what the price of a BIN is for the same card listed on Ebay.

It is easy to say they bring high prices on certain items, but never higher than other cards in the same market they are selling them in(Ebay).

Sure. Sometimes they do, but often times I believe there is just a random factor beneath that fact(tax returns, timing of collectors availability to bid, family problems, vacations etc).