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Old 06-19-2003, 10:23 AM
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Default Network 54 Get Together/Dinner/Meeting at the National?...

Posted By: Ryan Christoff

Yeah, let's all meet. We'll have a Grand Ol' Party in the Yankee north. Instead of buying lunch, why don't we steal some food stamps from some poor people. And maybe for dessert, a good lynching. Then a toast to Cap Anson and Judge Landis who fought so hard to keep our National pastime pure. Next we'll spit on the grave of the traitor Branch Rickey who single-handedly destroyed the game we love.

Once we're full, we can take whatever is on everyone else's plate because God knows we're entitled to it.

Yes, let's all meet at the National Socialist Party, I mean the National Sports Collectors Convention. I'll be the one with the confederate flag and the swastika on my forehead.

Yeeeeeeee Hawwwwww!!!

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