Thread: T206 HOF tiers
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Old 12-07-2018, 12:20 PM
Throttlesteer Throttlesteer is offline
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Posts: 830
Default T206 HOF tiers

Over the past few years, we've seen some surges in several T206 hall of famers. I know this discussion has been brought up in the past, but I think some things have changed since then. What would you consider the "tiers" of T206 HOFers if you had to group them by perceived demand. Let's look at it from the standpoint of players (not poses/variations) and exclude the super rarities (e.g. Wagner, Plank, etc..). My initial thought is:

Tier 1 - Ty Cobb
Tier 2 - Walter Johnson, Cy Young
Tier 3 - Mathewson, Speaker
Tier 4 - Lajoie, E. Collins
Tier 5 - M. Brown, E. Walsh, A. Joss, W. Keeler, Z. Wheat, J. Chesbro
Tier 6 - S. Crawford, C. Bender, J. Tinker, J. Evers, F. Chance
Tier 7 - Everyone else

I realize the portraits skew everything a bit. A portrait Lajoie could be considered Tier 3 or a Mathewson portrait in Tier 2. But, if we're just looking at the players and the current conditions, where am I off?
An$on Lyt!e
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