Thread: Fenway question
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Old 03-17-2011, 08:57 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,099

They built restrooms in the building behind the bleachers a few years ago. Actually one ENORMOUS restroom. The largest I've ever seen.

Anyone who never got to use the waterfall restroom before it got removed missed a real wonder of plumbing. Floor level trough, eye high tiled wall with another trough on top. Water just ran over the edge and down the wall continuously. Very wasteful, but efficient in people per foot capacity, always clean, and 0 splashback. I think it got removed sometime in the late 80's maybe early 90's

An HD screen? So that's what they're up to. My wifes company holiday party was across the street, and even at 11pm they were working. Had things pretty well disassembled. Sadly there was a lot of security too or I might have taken an unofficial tour. (And a brick or two)

Old Fenway - Yankees rookie infielder goes into the 3rd base side stands after a foul. Exits crowd less the ball, his glove, and his hat. And in enough disarray that I'm pretty sure they tried for the Jersey too. The Umps got his glove back, but the guy with the hat ran off.

New Fenway - Jeter goes into the stands after a foul in almost the same spot. Makes the catch, but hits his head on a seat. And exits bleeding, but totally untouched by the fans.

Not saying which is "better" But yeah, things are different now.

Steve B
Steve B
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