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Old 01-12-2018, 05:37 PM
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Orlando Rodriguez
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Miami
Posts: 979

So even by Al's own admission, he:
1. posted the same card in two separate lots
2. he has allegedly mailed 10 cards to the wrong address
3. he has failed to show scans of the back of the alleged BOM in one of the lots.
4. he has failed to mention in the description the fact that it is mislabeled BOM, potentially causing guys to bid in hopes of treasure
5. He failed to mention to the board that the Old Mill was not being returned to the buyer, and let everyone think he was getting a full refund PLUS ALL the cards.
6. He said he sent an important check via STANDARD MAIL on Dec 29th which was postmarked 10 days later.
7. Had the OM reholdered, but used two different scans in different holders in the two seperate lots.

So forgive me if I mistook gross incompetence for shady behavior. It's just so hard to believe that someone can be THAT incompetent and make THAT MANY mistakes, that one can easily confuse it with malice. I'm still not sure that a few white lies weren't told in order to hide said incompetence, but I don't necessarily believe it was for some evil motive or fraud. Is that better?

Last edited by orly57; 01-12-2018 at 06:07 PM.