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Old 02-04-2002, 12:54 PM
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Default Confused about grading vs. authenticating

Posted By: MW

Jay –-

You had better take another look at the title of the first message on this post. It reads, "Confused about grading vs. authenticating" which is something that you very clearly are.

Second, the Shakespearean quote you "borrow" is from the third act of "Hamlet." In this act, Gertrude utters this phrase, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" in a classic dialogue of self-denial. She thinks she is being clever by pointing out the perceived misdeeds of others when in actuality it is SHE who is guilty of wrong and is self-deluded. Ironically, this passage applies quite well to you. Perhaps it is also significant to note that "Hamlet" is largely a tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind. Again, very applicable to you. Are you sure that you are not the one who listens to Rush Limbaugh? In the context of Shakespeare's play and this quotation, it would certainly make sense.

The following posts in this thread discuss the GRADING of altered cards:

Plastic Dog (Feb. 3, 2:27 pm) – "Not to sound harsh, but I really think that everyone advocating an "AUTHENTIC" grade - while their arguments are well-intentioned - are overlooking the obvious advantages that such a system would provide the unscrupulous seller."

Lee then rehashes material that was discussed previously in two different threads – authentication only without a grade.

Plastic Dog responds with the following: "I actually addressed this once before."

Lee states that he would be OK with a grade of "1" for altered cards.

David concurs with assigning a grade to altered cards.

Next, you write: "'Authentic' would only be allowed for cards that would be rejected for grading due to alteration."

Oddly, you must have been sleeping during three previous threads, since your argument only serves to rehash what was previously considered and for the most part rejected. For example, please refer to Tom Boblitt's thread titled, "Regardless of IF we get any authentic..." In this post, the topic of authentic only or authentic with a grade is discussed AT LENGTH for altered cards. Furthermore, the thread culminates in the following statement by me (addressed to you):

<< Jay --

You have missed my point altogether. Altered cards DO NOT belong in holders from a grading company. Qualified, unqualified, graded a "1", graded a "-1", ungraded -- it doesn't matter. If you put them there, there are going to so many problems that you'll long for the old days when you only had to watch out for PRO & NASA. >>

For further reference, please reread Leon's post on January 31, titled, "here is the deal with SGC authentic."

I really don't want to label you as a "dunderhead", Jay, but you leave me no choice. There were at least three previous and extensive threads discussing the "authentic only" option WITHOUT an assigned grade. It was only AFTER this topic was nearly dead that you again posted the idea. It was as if you were totally unaware of everything that had been written. Come on Jay, get with it!

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