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Old 04-07-2018, 11:14 AM
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kvnkvnkvn kvnkvnkvn is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRedOne View Post
Its a shame our fighting men and women lay their lives' on the line every day to ensure the freedoms we enjoy in this country, only to have misguided dolts like this guy use those very freedoms to spew their disrespectful anti-America self righteous bullshit.

God Bless America. hahahahahahaha

The America Flag is an unbiased symbol of the Freedom our Nation has fought to preserve for well over 200 years. It has NO political affiliations. America itself is a political affiliation.

It once stood for freedom, not sure if that is the case anymore.

Its people like YOU and these NFL players who try to selfishly use it as a political crutch in order to support their own Self-Righteous agenda's and narratives. I can't think of anything more disgraceful and cowardly.

What agenda, to stop wars for profit? Sorry for being so self righteous.

I would also suggest that YOU quit using Oil and other natural resources to support your way of life. You might also want to quit your job(If you have one) as well as trying to peddle cards for profit and money to avoid being the self-righteous hypocrite you are.

I would love to transition towards a Venus Project concept. I will gladly give up any of that stuff to make that change.

You made One statement that had any merit at all, that the Mainstream media is often slanted and often dishonest, but if the alternative is the absolutely out of touch with reality non-sense coming out of your mouth, I will gladly stay with the Media.

Okay. Go ahead, you are only hurting yourself.

Our Democracy is not without it's flaws, but it is most certainly miles ahead of anything else out there. Please feel free to move to a country of your choosing where you will be less offended. The Symbol of Freedom (The American Flag), allows you to leave on your own free will.

Agreed, we are miles ahead of most. Why should I have to move. It should be the filthy lobbyists and politicians. They are the ones destroying the country.

I apologize to the OP, as I know he requested that we stay on topic and not go down this road, but this kind of Moronic crap can't go unchecked.
Hello Leon, sure you will be checking in on this one...

Last edited by kvnkvnkvn; 04-07-2018 at 11:17 AM.
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