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Old 05-08-2013, 11:33 AM
ctownboy ctownboy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 972

If those that Peter Nash are ratting out don't like it, don't like Peter Nash and/or know that Peter Nash is ALSO doing illegal or shady things then they too can rat out Peter Nash. What is stopping them?

Honestly, I don't care WHO is ratting out WHOM, just as long as the bad stuff is having the light of day thrown on it, the roaches are being exposed and people are not getting ripped off.

I love my old baseball cards and memorabilia. I love the history behind the stuff. I love that the value went down some during the recession but that I could STILL go to the safe deposit box, pull some stuff out and hold and look at it and think about it (unlike stocks) and that since the economy is bouncing back, the value of my items are increasing also.

However, as I have said before, the more times that wealthy people, new collectors or young people are ripped off, the more chances that they will NOT come back to the hobby and our valued collectibles will lose that value and become nothing more than old things.

I do not want that to happen and am glad that somebody, ANYBODY, is willing to stand up and point out wrong doing in the hobby (business); whether they themselves are a rat or not.

If these people pointing fingers ARE rats then I am sure, in time, THEY will have fingers pointed back at them and they will get their due.

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