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Old 05-19-2017, 01:33 PM
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Aaron Seefeldt Aaron Seefeldt is online now
Aaron Seefeldt
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Suburb of Chicago
Posts: 335

Hey Raymond,

I love your profile picture! The guy that fake article (April Fool's Day in Sports Illustrated, 1984 or 85?) was on was my arts & crafts teacher in junior high school. I was in 8th grade when the article was written, what was his name in the article? Sid Finch? Oh, memory is shot from too many days at Woodstock. Anyhow, I remember being a kid and talking with him (I forgot his name too, too many peace pipes with Kicking Bear) and thinking it was so friggen' cool! The funniest thing of it was my teacher didn't even play baseball, he just knew the writer of the article who wanted him (real tall and lanky) to be in the pictures.
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