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Old 03-29-2011, 06:14 PM
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teetwoohsix teetwoohsix is offline
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Originally Posted by 4815162342 View Post
I would love to, but I can't discuss current world events without discussing politics and the Bible.
This was actually a concern of mine before starting the thread, because one of the topics I wanted to discuss had to do with the Middle East and Libya.....but I thought it would possibly lead into politics and religion (for the record, discussing these topics does not bother me- but I understand there are rules).

Leon- I am glad I am not the only one paying attention to this. We have an issue in Nevada with Yucca Mountain, and I am strongly opposed to the Nations nuclear waste being deposited here,,,,I don't care how "safe" they think it is.

I'm sure they felt (in Japan) that their reactors were safe.....but guess what? Mother Nature is a force to be reckoned with

I hope the people of Japan can eventually recover from this. If I remember correctly, we had a board member in Japan who collects T205's ? If you are reading this, I hope you and yours are OK.

Sincerely, Clayton
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